What we do

The purpose of Nailsea Shedders

Our first Objective is to reduce social isolation / promote social inclusion. Relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate with the wider community by joining our group.  We provide a safe and friendly environment where members can meet and share fellowship over a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit.

Garden Bench before

Sharing skills and knowledge

Our second Objective is to provide a local service as a community workshop; with facilities in which members  can meet to undertake creative  or recreational activities. 

Examples Include:

Other goals

We share and learn skills and knowledge


We participate in Green initiatives (Repair, Re-cycle, Re-purpose)


We don’t charge for what we do but welcome donations to cover material costs and to keep us going

Garden Bench after

Drop while you Shop!

Following a trial of Drop-ins at No 65, John Brown’s hardware store, 90 High St, Nailsea, Bristol BS48 1AS will be open to receive portable items which

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